Аналіз впливу розміщення точки звезення гірничої маси на сумарний об’єм автотранспортної роботи
https://doi.org/10.26642/tn-2018-1(81)-274-280Ключові слова:
перевантажувальний пункт, точка Ферма-Торрічеллі, мінімізація транспортної роботиАнотація
The purpose of this work is to further develop a methodological basis for determining the coordinates of the optimal mining point for mines and to study the impact on the optimal transportation location of the spatial location of excavation recovery.
The article gives an overview of modern research, in which algorithms using the Fermat–Torricelli point is used to minimize logistic processes. Methods of mathematical optimization and analytical geometry are used in this work. The universal analytical formula for determining the coordinates of the Fermat-Torricelli point for a triangle can not be established because of the uncertainty of some intermediate operations. The solution of the problem leads to a system of irrational equations that do not have an unambiguous answer. But the decision may be obtained for a symmetrical figure. The paper analyzes the position of the optimal point for some symmetrical figures for which one of the coordinates is known (for example, y_S = 0). The regularities of the impact of the excavation recovery on the position of the Fermat-Torricelli point are established. It is proved that when the productivity of one of the excavators 1,7 times as much as the productivity of the others, then the Fermat-Torricelli point is shifted to the area of this excavator.
The performed researches are aimed primarily at optimization of career motor-rail transport. Considering the optimization of the transport work for a group of three excavators, it is obvious that by moving the mining mass from two excavators to the area of the third excavator having a high productivity, we thus determine the optimal position of the excavator transshipment point and excavator slaughter with the "zero" distance of the transportation of the rock mass motor transport With the growth of the depths of the quarries, rail transport loses its effectiveness, mainly due to the lower slope over road transport, and because of the need to freeze the plot of the career board for the location of excavating transshipment points. By eliminating the above mentioned disadvantage, it is possible to significantly improve the efficiency of quarry transport. In this paper a new way of forming and operating an excavator transshipment point is considered.
Placing a transshipment point at the optimum point allows reducing the amount of transport work by 10–30 %.
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